The need to promote the drafting of this Special Plan for Internal Reform of an area of industrial use in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) lies in the fact that the planning determinations of the current PGOU in Sector 32-A, are formulated to a homogeneous scope in the uses and characteristics of the parcelation and activities implanted there, but by their very nature, they are irrelevant to the existing plots and buildings in the front of Sector 32-A, which goes to Avenida de Daganzo, as they are buildings and plots whose parcel and building configuration is prior to the entry into force of the current PGOU.
Unce cleared errors concerning the delimitation of the public domain in the Presentation force Securities, the city planning determinations of the PERI proposed do not entail any modification of the structural arrangement of the PGOU of Alcalá de Henares , so that the assumptions are not met established in article 67.2 of Law 9/2001, of July 17, on the Land of the Community of Madrid, and consequently, there is no increase in urban development nor is it necessary to quantify the compensatory measures necessary to maintain the quantity and quality of the expected provisions regarding the urban development of the field of study.
The proposed PERI proposes to achieve the following objectives, taking into account the characteristics of the existing plots and buildings in the defined scope.
Location: Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain); Customer: Tele Descanso, S.L.; Surface planned in detail: 9,630 m²; Main use: Tertiaty; Processing status: In process