The Catalogue of Protections of Alpuente is an oceanic document, which faithfully reflects the extraordinary heritage wealth of an absolutely singular municipal term, due to the diversity and quantity of paleontological, archaeological, ethnological and architectonic heritage elements, which join a landscape and a natural environment, no less unique.
Leading a multidisciplinary team, in which specialists from many disciplines have worked for many months, AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has presented a work that, in general and for all subsections (paleontological, archaeological, ethnological, architectural and historical memory), conservation measures of the local heritage are arbitrated, in the context of the revision of the General Plan and in a legal framework that establishes the obligation of its processing and approval. Another reason that drives the writing of this Catalogue is the conviction that the protection of the elements that make up the “heritage” constitutes a moral duty to ourselves and to future generations, as the residents of Alpuente pointed out in the participation workshop citizen prepared during the writing of the catalog. From this perspective, the Catalogue was written, in the assumption that it can be improved over time, based on the contribution of new findings, as a consequence of greater maturity and social sensitivity towards the subject, by applying a vision of the concept of “Heritage” more complete than the current one, or simply by evolving the social vision of the problem.
The Catalogue of Protections of Alpuente protects 1,111 elements, of which the vast majority belong to the category of cataloged assets, that is, they are elements of the detailed management. Collecting, ordering and classifying all the documentation handled in the preparation of the Catalogue was a very important effort in which several people were employed, from their different perspectives, for many months.
Thus, a unique and unitary body of protected cultural assets was created, where all the paleontological, archaeological, ethnological, architectural and historical memory heritage is collected. Once the elements have been identified, and for the purposes of the distinction imposed by the current urban planning legislative framework, it is very easy to distinguish the elements that belong to the structural arrangement from those that belong to the detailed arrangement.
Location: Alpuente (Valencia, Spain); Promoter: City Council of Alpuente; Protected elements: 100 archaeological, 679 architectural, 390 ethnological, 64 paleontological and 6 democratic memory; Sections: Cultural, Natural and Landscape; Processing status: Definitely approved