The City Council of Buñol (Valencia) has contracted AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to modify its urban planning, made up of Subsidiary Regulations approved in 1987, twelve puntual modifications and two sectoral approvals. Previously, the city council promoted a Master Plan, definitively approved in December 2012 and annulled in 2017. The complexity of the current legal framework and the needs of a municipality with a significant weight in the productive sector, crossed by important road infrastructures of territorial structuring and with an extension of 112.4 km², they determined the need to undertake the drafting of a wide-ranging planning modification instrument.
The objectives pursued by the city council with this modification affect the structural planning and the detailed planning, so that the final evaluation and approval of the planning instrument will require the competition of the Autonomous Administration, which is equivalent to saying that it is a procedure expensive and whose success will be achieved in a not short period of time. In any case, the final result of the assignment, which due to its complexity is an interesting challenge, will provide a tool comparable to a current planning instrument and elaborated on quality digital cartography.
The drafting of the modifications to Buñol’s planning will be carried out in parallel to the drafting of the Catalog of Protections, entrusted to another technical team.