The City Council of Benaguasil (Valencia) agreed on March 30, 2022 to start the process of public participation and consultation of the initial version of the Zoning and Homologation of non-developable land to LEGISLATIVE DECREE 1/2021, of June 18, of the Consell de Approval of the consolidated text of the Law on Territory Planning, Urbanism and Landscape. With this agreement, adopted with almost unanimous support from the municipal corporation, significant progress is made in the processing of the file.

The Zoning and Homologation of undeveloped land in Benaguasil is a unique and complex planning instrument, which arises as a result of a series of factors and has its origin in the need to create productive land. From the analysis of the land for industrial use existing in Benaguasil that appears in the Zoning and Approval, it can be deduced that the common denominator of the three areas where this type of land exists is the limited size of its plots, its position adjacent to the urban land for residential use and the limitations derived from the local road network. The first condition supposes the impossibility of implanting industries that require a large plot surface or, simply, that generate disturbances in the environment that make them incompatible with residential use. This restriction is a great limitation to local economic development.

During the environmental evaluation of the planning instrument, the need was seen to incorporate into the reclassification of industrial land a complete zoning of all non-developable land, which would allow the environmental body to have complete knowledge of all the management alternatives and the circumstances environmental, landscape, urban and of all kinds, existing in Benaguasil.

The result of the work carried out by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP is an instrument prepared with highly precise digital tools and in accordance with the criteria and determinations of current legislation, which will represent a very important and useful improvement in local planning. As a result of the work carried out, collateral determinations have been incorporated that have emerged during the development of the planning and that will contribute to a better use of the land, in a rational and sustainable way.