In the Official Gazette of the Valencian Government of January 5, 2022, the RESOLUTION of December 23, 2021, of the General Directorate of Quality, Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency, is published for the granting of aid regulated by Order 4/2021 , of June 11, of the Second Vice Presidency and Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture, by which the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies for the rehabilitation of buildings and the adaptation of the built environment in municipalities are tested through the “Conviure” plan , and grants are announced for the year 2021. Of the 218 proposals submitted, from the entire Community, only 163 have been accepted, while 55 have been rejected. Among the selected proposals, the project presented by the Alpuente city council and drawn up by the architect Rosa Briso de Montiano García has achieved the second highest score, which will allow it to benefit from an economic aid of 500,000 € a very relevant amount for a municipality of only 640 inhabitants.
The action will allow the rehabilitation of a building of medieval origin and adjacent to the town hall, to turn it into a municipal facility for multiple uses. The building, of great heritage interest and ancestral origin, occupies a privileged position as the culmination of the urban fabric and a prelude to the profile of the parish church of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad. The property is also included as a joint asset in the Cultural Section of the Protections Catalog (pending) and is part of the Alpuente Traditional Historic Center, considered an Asset of Local Relevance. It is a unique building due to its location within the historic center and because it conserves some constructive elements, such as pointed medieval arches, medieval stone pillars and a complete stone staircase, which are relatively well preserved.
It should be noted that the Alpuente City Council, with the support of the Autonomous Administration, has been promoting in the different villages of the municipal term a series of measures aimed at the rehabilitation and recovery of their cultural heritage, from an inclusive perspective that contributes to overcoming the territorial, generational and gender gaps. These actions have involved significant economic investments in recent years and have made it possible to fight effectively against depopulation, in a rural municipality seriously affected by this problem and with a situation of integral vulnerability according to file 1879 (April 2020) of the Summary of VEUS data.