AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has just submitted to the City Council of Chelva (Valencia) the initial version of the Master General Plan and the Detailed Management Plan, which includes a Catalog of Protections with several sections. With this new cataloging proposal, which is now beginning its journey, the total number of elements protected by the company reaches the figure of 4000, an amount that positions it as a leader in terms of heritage protection. Reaching this threshold is the result of more than three decades of work and the trust placed in us by our clients, that is, by all the municipalities that have found in the protection of inherited heritage a reason to build sustainable policies from an environmental and economic point of view, in which the elements of paleontological, archaeological, ethnological, architectural, natural and landscape interest form a substantial part.
To these 4000 elements, which represent a milestone that excites and motivates the workers of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP and our collaborators, several hundred more elements will be added in the coming months, so it is expected that, throughout 2023, the company will have contributed to preserving 5000 items of interest. An incredible number.