The Environmental Assessment Commission, in a session held on September 24, 2020, agreed to issue the Scope Document of the Strategic Environmental and Territorial Study of the Structural General Plan and the Detailed Ordination Plan of Marines (Valencia, Spain), thereby facilitating the continuation of the processing. The general plan is processing simultaneously, in accordance with article 58 of Law 5/2014, of July 25, on Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape, of the Valencian Community, according to the consolidated version after the modifications introduced in the Law 9/2019, of the Generalitat, of fiscal measures, of administrative and financial management and of organization of the Generalitat. The planning must address a municipal term characterized by having two homonymous nuclei: one of them, designed by the National Institute of Colonization, began to inhabit from 1976 (New Marines), while the other (Old Marines) was a about to be abandoned, but today it presents itself with new opportunities and the hope to endure. In the municipality there are also several urbanizations, an industrial estate and an important military base, the General Almirante Base, declared an area of interest for National Defense by Royal Decree 191/2019, of March 22. It occupies, in the central part of the municipality, an area of 16,003,554 m² only in the municipality of Marines. Its firing and maneuvering range also extends through the neighboring municipalities of Altura, Gátova and Olocau.