In times of pandemic, not all the organs of the Administration have stopped, nor have all the companies interrupted their activity, fortunately. Our team has maintained a normal work rhythm, only conditioned by the fact that part of the workers has been working from their places of residence. On the part of those who have entrusted our company with technical advisory services in the field of urban planning, urban planning, landscape and heritage protection, the activity has been very intense: seven municipalities have requested AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to prepare two modifications punctual of its general plans, in some cases with more than a decade of validity. Most of these municipalities already knew the company, having commissioned it, at the time, to draft the general plan, while in other cases, these are corporations with which a professional relationship had never been maintained. The result of these initiatives, created in times of pandemic, are the Specific Modifications of the general plans of Todolella, Forcall, Navajas and Fuentes de Ayódar, currently being drafted or being processed.

For the human team that works in this company, it is a reason for satisfaction that, including under the most adverse conditions, many municipalities have renewed their trust in us, commissioning us to make small adjustments to previous work or proposing the start of a new professional collaboration, which we hope attend with solvency.