The plenary session of the Navajas City Council, in a session held on June 18, 2020, approved to submit to public information the Program for the development of the execution unit UE-10 and adjacent streets and the modification of the Lot redistribution that was registered in the Registry of the Property, the year 2008. Along with both documents, the Urbanization Project will also be exposed, which is part of the Technical Alternative. With the presentation of these documents, a further step is taken in complying with a judicial ruling that declared a previous proceeding null, promoted by another corporation and another technical team, in 2006. Subsequently, the Navajas City Council, in compliance with the judgment and to resolve the situation, he commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to prepare all the urban, technical and legal instruments for the new programming.
The new programming, which is now facing its last stage, is presented with the aim of achieving for this area, the full legal regularization of the resulting plots, in order to definitively overcome a situation that has been a source of conflict in recent years.