On the occasion of the revision of the Law of Territorial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape of the Valencian Community (LOTUP), the Official College of Architects of the Valencian Community organized a conference in each of the three provinces, aimed at explaining the content of the main novelties, introduced through the publication of LAW 1/2019, of February 5, of the Generalitat. Each of the conferences was attended by experts in the field, from the world of urban planning and public function. The meeting in Castellón was held on February 27 and was presented by the vice-dean of the College and the representative of the Urban Architects Association of the Valencian Community. The meetings were presided by Fernando Renau Faubell, Head of the Territorial Planning Service of the Department of Housing, Public Works and Conservation of the Territory, the lawyer Simón García Petit and the urban architect Víctor García Gil, of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP.