After several decades of professional practice, AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP is a leading company in the protection of heritage, which explains why it is the author of a […]APPROVED THE SPECIAL PROTECTION PLAN FOR COFRENTES CASTLE
The Territorial Commission of Urban Planning of Valencia has finally approved the Special Protection Plan for the castle of Cofrentes, considered a Site of Cultural Interest. […]CULTURAL SECTION OF ALPUENTE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS APPROVED
The Territorial Commission for Urban Planning of Valencia has definitively approved the Cultural Section of the Alpuente Catalogue of Protections, an oceanic document due to its […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALPUENTE FINALLY APPROVES THE DETAILED ORDINATION PLAN
As a complement to the General Structural Plan, definitively approved by the Valencia Territorial Urban Planning Commission on December 18, the Alpuente City Council has approved […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP IS ALSO A LEADER IN THE DRAFTING OF PLANNING MODIFICATIONS
The Territorial Strategy of the Valencian Community and the Revised Text of the Law on Territorial Planning, Urban Planning and Landscape of the Valencian Community, contemplate […]
With the approval of Decree Law 4/2022, the Valencian legislator introduced a new article in the Revised Text of the Land Use, Urban Planning and Landscape […]THE CTU OF VALENCIA FINALLY APPROVES THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL PLAN OF ALPUENTE WRITTEN BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP
The Territorial Commission of Urban Planning of Valencia, in a session held on December 18, 2024, agreed to the final approval of the General Structural Plan […]ENVIRONMENTAL AND TERRITORIAL EVALUATION OF THE ENGUERA PGE-POP BEGINS
The City Council of Enguera (Valencia) has promoted the environmental and territorial evaluation of the Draft and Initial Strategic Document of the General Structural Plan (PGE) […]ROTGLÀ I CORBERÀ NOW HAS THE PROTECTION CATALOGUE PREPARED BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP
The City Council of Rotglà i Corberà (Valencia) already has the Protection Catalogue prepared by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP from the Cultural Section and can request the start […]FLOODS IN THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY
The devastating effects of the High Level Depression of the Atmosphere that has affected the region of L’Horta Sud, south of the city of Valencia (Valencian […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERS THE ZUCAINA PROTECTION CATALOGUE
The City Council of Zucaina (Castellón) has received the Protection Catalogue from AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, the Cultural Section, in order to begin the environmental and territorial evaluation […]LOCAL STRATEGY FOR REHABILITATION OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT OF THE URBAN CENTER OF NAVAJAS APPROVED
The General Directorate of Housing of the Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Social Services, Equality and Housing has reported favorably on the LOCAL STRATEGY FOR REHABILITATION OF […]THE LOCAL STRATEGY FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT OF THE URBAN CENTRE OF NAVAJAS MOVES FORWARD
The municipality of Marines (Valencia) is making progress in the revision of its planning and is about to complete a decisive step, which is the submission […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERS THE CONSOLIDATED PLANNING TEXT OF CORTES DE ARENOSO AND CONSOLIDATES ITSELF AS A LEADER IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS TYPE OF WORK
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered the Consolidated Planning Text to the City Council of Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón), consolidating itself as the leading company in the preparation […]BENAGUASIL NON-URBANIZABLE LAND ZONING AND HOMOLOGATION PROVISIONALLY APPROVED
The Benaguasil City Council (Valencia) has approved the Zoning and Homologation of non-urbanizable land and two new sectors of industrial urbanizable land to the Revised Text […]PRESENTATION OF THE PICANYA CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS
The director of the Urban Planning Department of the Picanya City Council (Valencia) and the urban architect Víctor García Gil, have presented the Picanya Catalogue of […]THE PROCESSING OF THE CATADAU MASTER PLAN IS PROGRESSING
The Catadau City Council (Valencia) already has the initial version of the General Structural Plan (PGE) and the Detailed Ordination Plan (POP) drawn up by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, […]ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF M13 AND M14 OF THE SUBSIDIARY NORMS OF BUÑOL BEGINS
The urban architect Víctor García Gil, representing AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, has delivered to the City Council of Buñol (Valencia) Modification number 13 and Modification number 14 of […]CLASSES IN THE MASTER OF URBAN PLANNING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 2023-2024
The urban planning architect Víctor García Gil, from AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, has participated as a teacher in the Master in Permanent Training in Urban Planning, Dynamization and […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF PICANYA AGREES TO SUBMIT TO PUBLIC EXHIBITION THE PROTECTION CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS
The Picanya City Council (Valencia) has agreed, in a session held on May 15, 2024, to submit to public exhibition the initial version of the Catalogue […]DELIVERY OF THE NEW VERSION OF THE SPECIAL PROTECTION PLAN OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR
Following the instructions of the Cultural Heritage Service, the AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP team and its collaborators have presented to the Alcalá del Júcar City Council a new […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF BENIRREDRÀ SUBMITS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION THE GENERAL PLAN
The City Council of Benirredrà (Valencia) agreed in the plenary session held on February 29 to submit to public exhibition and consultations the initial version of […]PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF THE MODIFICATIONS OF THE BUÑOL PLANNING BEGINS
The Raga Room of the Molino del Galán, of the Buñol City Council (Valencia) has been the setting chosen to promote public participation linked to the […]THE AUTONOMOUS ENVIRONMENTAL SECTION ISSUES THE DATE OF THE MASTER PLAN OF CHELVA
The autonomous environmental section has issued the Environmental and Territorial Declaration (DATE) of the Master Plan of Chelva (Valencia), which will allow the work of drafting […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WILL DRAW THE MASTER AND DETAILED PLAN OF ENGUERA
The City Council of Enguera (Valencia) has commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to draft the Master Plan and the Detailed Planning Plan of the municipality, including all the […]
We end the year with a figure that, because it is round and impressive, deserves a review: the AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP team and its collaborators have prepared […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ADEMUZ AGREES TO SUBMIT THE MASTER PLAN DRAWN BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP TO PUBLIC EXHIBITION
The City Council of Ademuz (Valencia) has agreed, in a session held on December 21, 2023, to submit to joint public exhibition the initial version of […]THE TERRITORIAL URBAN PLANNING COMMISSION AGREES ON THE DECLARATION OF COMMUNITY INTEREST OF A SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND CUTTING ROOM
The Territorial Urban Planning Commission of Castellón agreed on December 20 to declare of community interest, under the protection of Transitional Provision 24 of the TRLOTUP, […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALBALAT DELS TARONGERS SUBMITS THE PGE-POP TO PUBLIC INFORMATION
The City Council of Albalat dels Tarongers (Valencia), in a session held on November 30, 2023, agreed to submit to public information and consultations the Initial […]CONFERENCE ON “URBAN PLANNING IN SPAIN: CRISIS AND FUTURE CHALLENGES”
On the occasion of the presentation of the monographic issue of the magazine “Ciudad y Territorio-Estudios Territoriales”, published by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban […]VÍCTOR GARCÍA GIL PARTICIPATES AS A SPEAKER IN THE “II INTRODUCTION COURSE TO ORGANIZED URBANISM” BY THE AAUCV
The architect Víctor García Gil has presented a presentation within the framework of the “II Basic Level Course of Introduction to Urban Planning” which, organized by […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERS THE CONSOLIDATED PLANNING TEXT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF BUÑOL
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered, after the review carried out by the municipal technicians of the Buñol City Council, the Consolidated Planning Text of said town. This […]THE “CIUDAD Y TERRITORIO-ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALES” AUTUMN 2023 MAGAZINE ADDRESSES URBAN PLANNING IN SPAIN
The magazine “ Ciudad y Territorio-Estudios Territoriales ”, published by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, presented a monographic issue in autumn 2023 with […]THE COACV DISTINGUISHES THE CULTURAL SECTION OF THE CATALOGUE OF CORTES DE ARENOSO WITH A MENTION
The jury of the awards of the Official College of Architects of the Valencian Community (COACV) has distinguished the cultural Section of the Catalogue of Cortes […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALPUENTE APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN AND REQUESTS THE FINAL APPROVAL OF THE FILE
The Alpuente City Council (Valencia), in a session held on August 8, 2023, agreed to approve the Final Proposal of the Master Plan and the referral […]APPROVED THE MODIFICATION No.2 OF THE PGOU OF BEJÍS
The City Council of Bejís (Castellón) has definitively approved the Modification No.2 of the Master Plan, that was drawn up by this same company and whose […]PUNTUAL MODIFICATION No.2 OF THE PDSU OF ZUCAINA DELIVERED
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has presented to the Zucaina City Council (Castellón) the Draft and the Initial Strategic Document of the Specific Modification No.2 of the Urban Land […]APPROVED MODIFICATION No.1 OF THE PGOU OF MONTANEJOS
The City Council of Montanejos (Castellón) has definitively approved Modification No.1 of the General Urban Planning Plan (PGOU) that was drafted by this same company and […]APPROVED THE NEW CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS OF CORTES DE ARENOSO
The Castellón Territorial Planning Commission has definitively approved the Cultural Section of the Catalogue of Protections of Cortes de Arenoso, a small town of just over […]APPROVED THE SPECIAL ENDOWMENT PLAN OF TODOLELLA
The Castellón Territorial Urban Planning Commission has definitively approved the Special Endowment Plan for undeveloped land in Todolella. This plan proposes, with respect to the current […]THE URBAN EVOLUTION OF CASTELLÓN DE LA PLANA UNDER DEBATE
The newspaper Mediterráneo, widely distributed in the province of Castellón, contains a section called “LAS TERTULIAS DE CAFÉ 56” in which, in a relaxed and informal […]SEVERAL MUNICIPALITIES INSTRUCTED AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP TO DRAW UP THE CONSOLIDATED PLANNING TEXT
Following the experience and success achieved with the drafting of the Consolidated Planning Text for Benaguasil (Valencia), which was supervised by the Urban Planning Information and […]MARINES GENERAL PLAN PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION BEGINS
The Municipality of Marines (Valencia) has agreed to submit to public information and consultation the General Structural Plan and the Detailed Planning Plan drawn up by […]
The City Council of Buñol (Valencia) has contracted AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to modify its urban planning, made up of Subsidiary Regulations approved in 1987, twelve puntual modifications […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP FINALIZES THE CONSOLIDATED TEXT OF BENAGUASIL PLANNING
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered the Benaguasil Consolidated Planning Text to the Benaguasil City Council (Valencia) and to the Information and Urban Analysis Service of the Department […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHELVA APPROVES THE STRUCTURAL GENERAL PLAN
The plenary session of the City Council of Chelva (Valencia) has provisionally approved the Structural General Plan and all its related documents and has sent the […]CITY COUNCIL OF TORRENT APPROVES THE CATALOG OF PROTECTIONS
The plenary session of the City Council of Torrent (Valencia) has agreed on the provisional approval of the Catalog of Protections and its referral to he […]TODOLELLA PROVISIONALLY APPROVES THE DOTACIONAL SPECIAL PLAN FOR NON-DEVELOPABLE LAND
The City Council of Todolella (Castellón) has provisionally approved the Special Provision Plan for Non-Developable Land and has sent the file to the Territorial Planning Commission […]COFRENTES PROVISIONALLY APPROVES THE SPECIAL PLAN OF PROTECTION FOR THE CASTLE
The City Council of Cofrentes (Valencia) has agreed to provisionally approve the Special Plan of Protection of Cofrentes Castle, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, and […]PROVISIONAL APPROVAL OF THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS OF CORTES DE ARENOSO
The City Council of Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón) has provisionally approved the new Cultural Section of the Catalog of Protections and has sent it to the […]CONFERENCE DEBATE: URBAN PLANNING AND SMALL MUNICIPALITIES
The concern to stimulate urban planning in the small municipalities of the Valencian Community and the need to bring these nuclei closer to the Autonomous Administration […]WORK BEGINS ON THE MASTER PLAN OF BENISSUERA
With a meeting between representatives of the City Council of Benissuera (Valencia), the Technical Assistance Service to Municipalities of the Diputación de Valencia and the company […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF TORRENT SUBMITS TO PUBLIC EXPOSURE THE CATALOG OF PROTECTIONS
The City Council of Torrent (Valencia) has put on public display the Catalog of Protections drawn up by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. It is an important management instrument […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHELVA SUBMITS THE GENERAL PLAN TO THE PUBLIC
The City Council of Chelva (Valencia) has released the General Structural Plan and the Detailed Management Plan for public display, thus completing a process that began […]4000 PROTECTED ITEMS. TOWARDS 5000 ELEMENTS IN 2023
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has just submitted to the City Council of Chelva (Valencia) the initial version of the Master General Plan and the Detailed Management Plan, which […]THE PROCESSING OF THE SPECIAL PLAN OF COFRENTES ADVANCES
The City Council of Cofrentes (Valencia) has approved the submission to public exhibition and consultations of the Plan for the Protection of the castle, after passing […]CATALOG OF GOOD URBAN PRACTICES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE OBJECTIVES OF THE SPANISH URBAN AGENDA
The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, in collaboration with the University of Navarra, has published the “CATALOG OF GOOD URBAN PRACTICES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK […]THE PICANYA CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS, A NEW PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGE
The City Council of Picanya (Valencia) has resolved in favor of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP the open competition for the drafting of all the sections of the Protections […]THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL PLAN OF TURÍS PASSES THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT
After a process of nearly two years, the autonomous environmental service has resolved the environmental and territorial evaluation of the General Structural Plan of Turís (Valencia) […]THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF THE CULTURAL SECTION OF THE CATALOG OF CORTES DE ARENOSO BEGINS
The Cultural Section of the new Catalog of Protections of Courts of Arenoso (Castellón) drawn up by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP in collaboration with the Archeology Service of […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF BENAGUASIL AGREES TO SUBMIT TO PUBLIC EXHIBITION THE HOMOLOGATION AND ZONING
The City Council of Benaguasil (Valencia) agreed on March 30, 2022 to start the process of public participation and consultation of the initial version of the […]ADVANCE SEVERAL PUNTUAL MODIFICATIONS DRAFTED BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP
In addition to the promotion of master, partial and special plans, it is common for municipalities to need to introduce puntual corrections in their planning, of […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WILL DRAW UP THE MASTER PLAN OF BENISSUERA
The Diputación de Valencia has resolved the call presented in 2021, through an open procedure, for the award of the service “DRAFTING OF MASTER URBAN PLANNING […]INTERVIEW ON MEDI TV ABOUT THE GENERAL PLAN OF TORRECHIVA
The Medi TV Mediterráneo program “La Panderola”, which deals with issues of local and provincial interest, today interviewed the urban architect Víctor García Gil. The interview, […]RESTORATION OF A MEDIEVAL BUILDING IN ALPUENTE
In the Official Gazette of the Valencian Government of January 5, 2022, the RESOLUTION of December 23, 2021, of the General Directorate of Quality, Rehabilitation and […]
In the Valencian Community, as in the rest of Spain, there are many industries that have been operating on rustic land for decades, in a situation […]COURSE ON FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN VALENCIAN URBAN PLANNING
The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces organizes, for the third consecutive year, a course where the FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF VALENCIAN URBAN PLANNING are addressed. The […]SEVERAL PUNTUAL MODIFICATIONS PROGRESS
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP is drafting several puntual planning modifications whose evolution is favorable, in all cases. Some of the modifications have a more content scope, while others […]MASTER PLAN OF ALPUENTE FACES ITS LAST EVALUATION STAGE
On October 26, 2021, the plenary session of the Alpuente City Council (Valencia), after passing the public exhibition and consultation phase and gathering all the determining […]DOMEÑO APPROVES ITS DETAILED ORDINATION PLAN
The plenary session of the Domeño City Council unanimously approved, on September 30, the Detailed Ordination Plan. Thus ends the complete elaboration of the new planning, […]BASIC LEVEL COURSE OF INITIATION TO URBAN PLANNING
The Association of Urban Architects of the Valencian Community, part of the Official College of Architects of the Valencian Community, has organized a basic level introductory […]DELIVERED A SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE IN RUBIELOS DE MORA
During the month of August 2021, the works of the new single-family house that since 2018 had been carried out in Rubielos de Mora (Teruel) under […]THE PROCESSING OF THE DOTACIONAL SPECIAL PLAN IN NON-URBANIZABLE LAND OF TODOLELLA BEGINS
The Municipality of Tododella (Castellón) has begun the processing of the Dotacional Special Plan for Non-developable Land, with the presentation to the environmental service of the […]APPOINTMENT OF HONOR PARTNER OF PATRIMONIAL ASSOCIATION
The “Association Patrimonial Colegiata Mora de Rubielos” (Teruel) named the architect Víctor García Gil “honorary member”, in attention to the merits that he gathered, according to […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP PREPARES DOCUMENTATION FOR A PUBLIC RESTORATION IN ALPUENTE
The city council of Alpuente (Valencia) has commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP with the preliminary work to undertake the restoration of an interesting medieval building located next to […]ISSUED THE SCOPE DOCUMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN OF ALBALAT DELS TARONGERS
The Environmental Assessment Commission of the General Directorate of Natural Environment and Environmental Assessment (Valencian Government) in a session held on July 15, 2021 agreed to […]VÍCTOR GARCÍA GIL ARTICLE: “WHO PROTECTS THE HERITAGE?”
The avalanche of macro projects of photovoltaic solar installations, in some cases with an affected area close to 200 hectares, has put landscape defenders on notice, […]ALLEGATION TO “CLUSTER MAESTRAZGO_PEOL-449 AC”
The City Council of La Mata, faced with the social alarm caused by learning that the company ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES DE ORMUZ, SL, promotes the “Maestrazgo_PEOL-449 AC […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS DELIVERED THE REFORM PROJECT OF A SQUARE IN COFRENTES
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered to the City Council of Cofrentes (Valencia) the Project for the Reform of the Plaza Julio Ángel Pardo and Calle Cura Muñoz, […]POP OF TORRECHIVA: THE FIRST TO BE REGISTERED IN THE REGISTRATION OF PLANNING INSTRUMENTS
On April 7, 2021, the Detailed Ordination Plan of Torrechiva, drawn up by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has been registered in the Autonomous Register of Urban Planning Instruments, […]THE PORMENORIZED ORDERING PLAN OF TORRECHIVA IS FINALLY APPROVED
The Torrechiva City Council (Castellón) has definitively approved the Detailed Management Plan, thus concluding the processing of its new planning, fully adapted to Law 5/2014, of […]BEGINS THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PUNTUAL MODIFICATION No 1 OF PGOU OF FUENTES DE AYÓDAR
After almost ten years of validity of the Master Plan of Fuentes de Ayódar (Castellón), its city council has decided to promote the first Punctual Modification […]FINAL DETAILS IN A NEW HOUSING IN RUBIELOS DE MORA
Despite the pandemic, the significant snowfall at the beginning of the year and the difficulties in moving between different autonomous communities, in the house projected by […]INNOVATION AND JOB CREATION IN THE RURAL WORLD
The Todolella City Council (Castellón), with the support of PAMESA, has promoted an initiative aimed at the labor insertion of people from the Els Ports region, […]PUNTUAL MODIFICATION No.2 OF THE MASTER PLAN OF NAVAJAS DEFINITELY APPROVED
The Navajas City Council (Castellón), by plenary agreement of January 29, 2021, agreed to the final approval of the Puntual Modification number 2 of the Master […]MORE THAN 3300 ELEMENTS PROTECTED BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP
For thirty years, the AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP team and its collaborators (archaeologists, paleontologists, ethnologists, etc.) have dedicated part of their professional activity to the protection of heritage, […]A NEW HOUSE IN RUBIELOS DE MORA
The works of the new-build house in Rubielos de Mora (Teruel), designed by Rosa Briso de Montiano García, are nearing completion. Two years of work and […]
The Territorial Commission for Urban Planning of Castellón, in a session held on December 11, 2020, agreed to the final approval of the Specific Modification number […]VÍCTOR GARCÍA GIL ARTICLE: “URBAN PLANNERS”
The Official College of Architects of the Valencian Community has just published the third number of its new magazine. An article appears in it in which […]SPECIAL PROTECTION PLAN OF COFRENTES CASTLE
The City Council of Cofrentes (Valencia) has begun the processing of the Special Protection Plan for the castle, based on the documentation prepared by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. […]CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS OF CORTES DE ARENOSO
The City Council of Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón) has begun processing a new Cultural Heritage Section of the Catalogue of Protections. The works were entrusted to […]2nd EDITION OF THE COURSE “NEW LOTUP: NEWS IN URBAN PLANNING AND URBAN STANDARDS”
For the second consecutive year, the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, with the advice and coordination of the Territorial Service of Urban Planning of Valencia, […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF TORRECHIVA EXHIBITS TO THE PUBLIC THE DETAILED ORDINATION PLAN
The City Council of Torrechiva (Castellón, Spain) has approved, after passing the environmental and territorial evaluation phase, the exposure to the public of the Detailed Ordination […]PUNTUAL MODIFICATION No 1 OF PGOU OF FUENTES DE AYÓDAR
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has begun, commissioned by the Fuentes de Ayódar City Council, the necessary actions to undertake the Puntual Modification number 1 of the General Urban […]THE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION COMMISSION ISSUES THE SCOPE DOCUMENT OF THE MARINES GENERAL PLAN
The Environmental Assessment Commission, in a session held on September 24, 2020, agreed to issue the Scope Document of the Strategic Environmental and Territorial Study of […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF NAVAJAS APPROVES THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF THE MP-2 OF THE PGOU
The City Council of Navajas (Castellón, Spain) has approved, after passing the environmental and territorial evaluation phase, the presentation to the public of the Specific Modification […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WILL DRAFT THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTIONS OF CORTES DE ARENOSO
The City Council of Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón, Spain) has commissioned a multidisciplinary team led by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, to draft the Cultural Section of the Catalog […]CITY COUNCIL OF TODOLELLA DEFINITELY APPROVES THE MP-1 OF MASTER PLAN
After concluding the environmental assessment and urban processing, the City Council of Todolella (Castellón, Spain) has definitively approved the Puntual Modification No. 1 of the General […]THE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION COMMISSION ISSUES THE SCOPE DOCUMENT OF THE HOMOLOGATION TO THE LOTUP OF BENAGUASIL
The Environmental Assessment Commission, in a session held on July 23, 2020, agreed to issue the Scope Document of the Strategic Environmental and Territorial Study of […]THE ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION COMMISSION ISSUES THE SCOPE DOCUMENT OF THE DIE AND DRAFT OF THE ROTGLÀ I CORBERÀ POP
The Environmental Assessment Commission, in a session held on July 23, 2020, agreed to issue the Scope Document of the Strategic Environmental and Territorial Study of […]PRESENTATION OF THE DETAILED ORDINATION PLAN FOR THE NEIGHBORS OF TORRECHIVA
Last Friday, July 17, and in the plenary hall of the Torrechiva City Council, the presentation of the Ordination Planning Plan took place. The event, which […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF NAVAJAS APPROVES THE PROGRAMMING OF THE UE-10
The plenary session of the Navajas City Council, in a session held on June 18, 2020, approved to submit to public information the Program for the […]LEADERS IN PROTECTION OF THE HERITAGE
The City Council of Cortes de Arenoso (Castellón) has commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to update the Cultural Section of the Catalog of Protections that the same company […]THE CONTRACTS SIGNED BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS DURING CONFINEMENT
In times of pandemic, not all the organs of the Administration have stopped, nor have all the companies interrupted their activity, fortunately. Our team has maintained […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS RENEWS ITS WEB SITE
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has renewed its corporate web site, offering through the internet a renewed tool prepared for reading on any mobile device. The previous web site […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP MAINTAINS ITS ACTIVITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC
The team of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP will make an effort to maintain its activity while the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus lasts. For this, a teleworking […]ISSUED THE REACH DOCUMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR
The autonomous environmental body of Castilla La Mancha, issued last February 6, the Scope Document of the Master Plan (POM) of Alcalá del Júcar. With this […]DEFINITELY APPROVED THE PUNCTUAL MODIFICATION No. 14 OF THE MASTER PLAN OF COFRENTES
The plenary session of the Cofrentes city council, in a session held on January 30, 2020, definitively approved the Point Modification No. 14 of the Master […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALPUENTE APPROVES THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF THE MASTER PLAN
The City Council of Alpuente, in the plenary held on January 28, 2020, has approved to begin the process of public exposure and consultations of the […]
The College of Architects of Castellón has organized a round table with the title “Depopulation of the historic centers. What happens in them? The round table […]THE TERRITORIAL COMMISSION OF URBANISM OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL PLAN OF TORRECHIVA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, in session held on November 29, 2019, approved the General Structural Plan of Torrechiva, drafted by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. This master […]THE COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTS ACKNOWLEDGES THE 25 YEARS OF COLLEGE
Coinciding with the Architecture Week 2019, the Official College of Architects of the Valencian Community organized a dinner at the Westin Valencia Hotel, to deliver a […]DEFINITELY APPROVED THE PUNCTUAL MODIFICATION No. 12 OF THE MASTER PLAN OF COFRENTES
The Territorial Commission of Urban Planning of Valencia, in session held on September 25, 2019, definitively approved the Modification No. 12 of the Master Plan of […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WILL WRITE THE NEW MASTER PLAN OF CHELVA
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has been awarded two new master plans in the province of Valencia, promoted by the Provincial Council at the end of 2018. According to […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WILL WRITE THE NEW MASTER PLAN OF BENIRREDRÀ
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has been awarded two new master plans in the province of Valencia, promoted by the Provincial Council at the end of 2018. According to […]HOUSING REHABILITATION IN OLD TOWN OF SANT MATEU
Completion of housing renovation work between medians, located in the old town of Sant Mateu, which consists of three heights and under cover. The main conditions […]THE ARRUR OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR RECEIVES AN AID OF 1.3 MILLION EUROS
In the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha of June 24, 2019 has been published the Resolution of 06/10/2019, of the General Directorate of Housing and Urban […]THE TERRITORIAL COMMISSION OF URBAN PLANNING OF VALENCIA APPROVES THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL PLAN OF DOMEÑO
The Territorial Planning Commission of Valencia, in session held on April 10, 2019, approved the Master Plan of Domeño drafted by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The elaboration of […]VÍCTOR GARCÍA GIL PARTICIPATES IN THE SYMPOSIUM OF THE LOTUP
On the occasion of the revision of the Law of Territorial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape of the Valencian Community (LOTUP), the Official College of Architects of […]THE ACTIONS OF THE ARRUR OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR TAKE PLACE (2)
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered to the municipality of Alcalá del Júcar the Memory-Program of the Area of Urban and Rural Regeneration and Renewal of the Historical […]
The execution of a detached house, designed and directed by the architect Rosa Briso de Montiano García, has been completed in Sant Mateu (Castellón). The building, […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF BENAGUASIL WILL MODIFY THE LOCAL PLANNING
The municipality of Benaguasil (Valencia) has commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS SLP the modification of the Master Plan, in order to enable land for industrial use, with which to […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR BEGINS THE PROCESSING OF PEPCH
The City Council of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete) has begun the strategic environmental assessment and the urban transaction of the Special Plan for the Protection of […]THE DRAFTING OF THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL PLAN OF ALBALAT DELS TARONGERS BEGINS
The Master Plan of Albalat dels Tarongers (Valencia) is one of the new comissions in which the team of AUG-ARQUITECTOS SLP has started working, after winning […]
The Deputation of Valencia has commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to draft the Master Plan of Alpuente, a small town located in the region of Los Serranos. The […]THE ACTIONS OF THE ARRU OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR TAKE IMPULSE
Last Friday, October 20, an event took place in the House of Culture of Alcalá del Júcar, where the strategy that is being promoted by the […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP PARTICIPATES IN THE FIRST SYMPOSIUM ABOUT LANDSCAPE, ARCHITECTURE AND HERITAGE
The demarcation in Albacete of the Official College of Architects of Castilla La Mancha has organized a symposium devoted to reflect on the landscape, architecture and […]THE GOVERNMENT OF CASTILLA-LA MANCHA RECOGNIZES ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR AND AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WITH THE FIRST PRIZE IN THE PROJECTS ‘ARUIs’
The counselor of Development of the Government of Castilla La Mancha, Agustina García, has presented the first prize of the Integral Urban Regeneration Actions (ARUIs) to […]AUG-ARCHITECTS, SLP PARTICIPATES IN THE EXHIBITION ORGANIZED BY THE ETSA OF VALENCIA ON THE OCCASION OF ITS FIFTY ANNIVERSARY
The School of Architecture of Valencia has organized, on the occasion of its fifty anniversary, an exhibition in which are exhibited works of architects graduated from […]THE GOVERNMENT OF CASTILLA LA MANCHA SELECTS A MASTER PLAN REDACTED BY AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP
The Community Board of Castilla-La Mancha has selected the Master Plan for Integral Urban Regeneration of the Historic Center of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete), drafted by […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS SLP GETS APPROVAL OF SEVEN MASTER PLANS IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS
The company AUG-ARQUITECTOS SLP has been able to lead the group of consultants in environmental and urban planning that operate in the Valencian Community, reaching the […]PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT OF THE MASTER PLAN OF ROTGLÀ I CORBERÀ
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has delivered to the City Council of Rotglà and Corberà (Valencia) the Draft General Structural Plan and the Initial Strategic Document, in order to […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF TORRALBA DEL PINAR
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of April 05, 2017, approved the Master Plan of Torralba del Pinar (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. […]THE COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION APPROBES THE DATE OF THE MASTER PLAN OF JARAFUEL
The Environmental Assessment Commission, an institution under the General Management of the Natural Environment and Environmental Assessment of the Valencian Government, in a meeting held on […]
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP will draft the Master Plan of Rotglà i Corberà (Valencia). This contract was signed, after awarded the competition called for this purpose, to which […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF TODOLELLA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of December 11, 2016, approved the Master Plan of Todolella (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The elaboration […]CELEBRATION OF THE 2nd WORKSHOP OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR
In its commitment to involve neighbours in the participative development of the new territorial model of the municipality, the city of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete) convened […]TORRENT T’EM-PLAÇA JOURNEYS
From 21 to 23 November, at the initiative of the Association of Torrentino architects “TAUT Center Històric” and with the purpose of discussing “the conservation and […]EXHIBITION OF THE PDSU OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR AT THE CONFEDERACIÓN HIDROGRÁFICA DEL JÚCAR
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, accompanied the delegate of the Junta de Albacete, the provincial director of Fomento, the mayor, architect and secretary of Alcalá del Júcar, at the […]PUBLIC EXPOSURE OF STRUCTURAL MASTER PLAN OF TURÍS
The municipality of Turís, the Valencia Provincial Council and AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, presented to the neighbors the Master Plan of Turís, currently undergoing public exposure. In a […]OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION “A MAGICAL LIBRARY” IN RUBIELOS DE MORA
Architect Rosa Briso de Montiano García, of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, is the author of the exhibition design “A Magical Library”. Located in the choir of Ex-Collegiate Church […]CITY COUNCIL OF TODOLELLA APPROVES PROVISIONALLY MASTER PLAN AND DEMANDS FINAL APPROVAL
After a long process, which has required to overcome many difficulties (including those derived from the constant legislative changes), the full City Council of Todolella (Castellón) […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF DOMEÑO EXPOSED IN PUBLIC THE STRUCTURAL MASTER PLAN
The full assembly of the city council of Domeño (Valencia) agreed last May 19 to the public exposure of the Master Plan and related documents, including […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF TORRECHIVA COMMISSIONS AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP TO WTITE THE MASTER PLAN
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP will draft the Master Plan of Torrechiva (Castellón). This small town in the mountains has been, since 2002, trying to push forward a new […]CELEBRATION OF THE WORKSHOP OF CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN ALCALA DEL JÚCAR
The municipality of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete) organized a workshop on Citizen Participation under the direction of the architects of AUG-ARQUITECTOS SLP; a large group of […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERY STRUCTURAL MASTER PLAN OF TURÍS FOR PUBLIC EXPOSURE
The municipality of Turís (Valencia) has received all necessary documentation to initiate the public presentation of the preliminary version of the General Structural Plan and related […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERY STRUCTURAL MASTER PLAN OF CATADAU FOR PUBLIC EXPOSURE
The municipality of Catadau (Valencia) has all the necessary documentation to initiate the public exposure of the preliminary version of the Master Plan and related documents, […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “OF MANTRAS AND MAKEUP”
Changes in the political landscape which are occurring in Spain are accompanied by a new doctrine and language which have not been slow to join regional […]ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT BEGINS SPECIAL PROTECTION PLAN OF ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR
The municipality of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete) has received documentation to start the environmental assessment of the Special Protection Plan of the Historical Site of Alcalá […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE TIMES ARE CHANGING”
The economic crisis since 2007 shakes Spain and the world and has changed produced everywhere numerous substantial changes, including many in the field of urbanism and […]
To get approval of a single Urban Master Plan is not easy anywhere and even less in Valencia, characterized by having an urban planning legislation which […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF ESPADILLA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of December 11, 2015, approved the Master Plan of Espadilla (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The plan […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “EVERYTHINGS FLOWS”
As a tribute to the great Ukrainian writer Vasili Grossman, author of the novel “Everything flows”, whose reading strongly recommend the authors to all young Spaniards, […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP BEGINS THE WORK OF WRITING THE MASTER PLAN OF DOMEÑO
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP will lead the team, which also includes EIN, SL, responsible for drafting the Master Plan of Domeño (Valencia). After the award in early October […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “SURVIVORS”
Several factors are influencing the behavior of those who are part of the Valencian public administration in charge of protecting the urban and regional planning. The […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF LA MATA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting October 28, 2015, approved the Master Plan of La Mata (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The plan […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE REVISED TEXT OF MASTER PLAN OF MONTANEJOS
TheTerritorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting October 28, 2015, approved the Revised Text of the Master Plan of Montanejos (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. […]WORKSHOP ON PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON MASTER PLAN OF TURÍS
As a part of the drafting of the Master Plan of Turis, AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP and EIN Mediterráneo, SL have presented the Public Participation Plan to the […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE PRICE OF FAME”
Hiring “star architects” is a temptation that historically have resisted few politicians, seduced by the idea of linking their name to what, presumably, could be associated […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DRAFTING THE MASTER PLAN AND THE SPECIAL PROTECTION PLAN OF ÁLCALA DEL JÚCAR
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP lead the team, which also includes EIN, SL, responsible for drafting the Master Plan of Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete). Alcalá del Júcar is integrated […]CONCLUDES THE TRANSACTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVING SCHOOL “MARALBA, MOTOR Y OCIO”
After nearly five years, they have successfully completed the complex transactions and construction facilities “Maralba, Motor y Ocio, SL” in Les Useres (Castellón). This is a […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “NEW TIMES, SAME POLICY?”
With the change of government in Valencia and other Spanish regions comes the opportunity for new leaders to take a bold and necessary decision, as is […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “WHAT IS COMING UP”
The serious phenomenon of aging the Spanish rural population, which threatens to leave uninhabited large regions of our territory is the subject of analysis in this […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “URBAN PLANNING AND SENSITIVITY”
A hundred years ago, some architects began to denounce the irreparable loss of architectural and urban heritage, when it had just begun. In contrast with the […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “QUESTION OF EQUITY (OR INFLUENCE)”
After many years of experience in land planning and urbanism, the architects of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP are constantly surprised on reviewing the contents of the various reports […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE PUNTUAL MODIFICATION No3 OF MASTER PLAN OF CORTES DE ARENOSO
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, in their session of March 31, 2015, approved the Puntual Modification No3 of Master Plan of Cortes de Arenoso (Spain) […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “GOOD, NICE AND CHEAP”
The risk of floods is one of the factors to be considered when planning, due to the serious consequences that ignorance can have. In Valencia, this […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP RECEIVES THE ORDER TO RESTITUTE THE UNIT OF EXECUTION “UER-02” OF NAVAJAS
Commissioned by the city council of Navajas (Castellón) and in compliance with a court ruling, AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP has been commissioned to restitute the site of the […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP DELIVERY STRUCTURAL MASTER PLAN OF CATADAU FOR PUBLIC EXPOSURE
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP y Ein-Mediterráneo, SL presented in the city council of Catadau (Valencia) Structural Master Plan to the municipal corporation for its public exhibition in order […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF NAVAJAS
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, in their session of February 11, 2015, approved the Master Plan of Navajas (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The commitment […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE SHOT IN THE FOOT”
The complications in the steps leading to the enacting of any regulations, in particular the general master plans for city planning, which in the Valencian community […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “A YEAR OF CHANGES”
This article takes stock of the significant changes in the legislative framework regulating land use and urban development in the Valencian Community, with a view to […]
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, in joint venture with EIN-Mediterráneo, SL, has been awarded the contract for the completion of the drafting of the Master Plan of Turís (Valencia). […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “PLANNING AND REALITY”
The phenomenon of “housing boom” in Spain and its serious consequences following the bursting of the housing bubble, both environmental and economic, have caused certain areas […]THE TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE PLAN OF REFORM OF INTERIOR OF UE-10 AND ADJACENT STREETS OF NAVAJAS
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of Decembre 5, 2014, approved the Plan of Reform of the Interior of UE-10 and adjacent streets […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE DEFENSE OF HERITAGE”
Based on a review of the role attributed to culture in times of crisis, this text addresses the need to protect the inherited cultural heritage and […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP BEGINS THE MASTER PLAN OF JARAFUEL
AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP, in joint venture with EIN-Mediterráneo, SL, has been awarded the contract for the completion of the drafting of the Master Plan of Jarafuel (Valencia). […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “SOME PROGRESS IN THE LOTUP”
With the proclamation of the Law of Territorial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape in the Valencian Community it is possible to point out in its text some […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE LACK OF INTEREST IN URBANISM”
The adoption in Valencia of a new Law of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape serves as an excuse to address in this article the traditional and […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS?”
In order to delimitate forest territory use in Valencia and establish certain categories in it, the Administration approved a regional plan known as PATFOR. The interpretation […]THE TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTED GOODS AND SPACES OF LA MATA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of July 9, 2014, approved the Catalogue of Protected Goods and Spaces of La Mata (Castellón) written […]THE TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTED GOODS AND SPACES OF TODOLELLA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of July 9, 2014, approved the Catalogue of Protected Goods and Spaces of Todolella (Castellón) written by […]THE TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTED GOODS AND SPACES OF ESPADILLA
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of July 9, 2014, approved the Catalogue of Protected Goods and Spaces of Espadilla (Castellón) written by […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “INNOVATIVE, PIONEER, RATIONAL AND SUSTAINABLE?”
The regional administration, after nearly four years of work, has sent to the Valencian Parliament the final draft of a bill intended to replace the entire […]THE TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTED GOODS AND SPACES OF NAVAJAS
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, at its meeting of May 13, 2014, approved the Catalogue of Protected Goods and Spaces of Navajas (Castellón) written by […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “WET PAPER”
The announcement by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Environment of a new Planning Law sent to the Valencian Courts, Urbanism and Landscape (LOTUP) provides an opportunity […]CITY COUNCIL OF NAVAJAS APPROVES THE PUBLIC EXPOSURE OF UE-10 URBAN INSTRUMENTS IMPLEMENTATION
On April 29, the City of Navajas (Castellón) approved the public exhibition of Plan Execution Unit UE-10 of Reform of the Interior and adjacent streets, together […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “THE WAIVER TO QUALITY”
With the excuse of the economic crisis some public Administrations, particularly in Valencia, have established a criterion as a key for the award of public contracts, […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “LA MARJALERÍA”
As is frequently the case in Spanish territories in the seashore of both, mainland and islands, a part of the municipal territory of Castellon de la […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “RAIN ON WET”
The Government of Valencia has impelled a review of one of his oldest territorial plans, specifically, that dedicated to prevent flood risk. This review comes at […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “OF LAWS AND THEOREMS”
The technical complexity of the legal framework in which territorial planning and urban activity takes place in Spain leads to absurd and sometimes comical situations. This […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “WHEN WE WERE ARCHITECTS”
During the time of the housing bubble much of the Spanish territory, in general and in Valencia in particular, was the subject of a crazy programming […]
The notice of filing in the Valencian Parliament of the new Law on Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Landscape justifies the publication of this article. It is […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “FALL STARS”
The article of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP published in the newspaper Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano is concerned with the concept of “star architect”. This has emerged as a particularly […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “LOGISTICS COMPETITIVENESS OF PORTCASTELLÓ”
The newspaper Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano has published an new article written by technical experts of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. The article addresses a matter of vital importance to […]AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP ARTICLE: “DIZZY PARTRIDGE”
The newspaper Levante-El Mercantil Valenciano, interested in publishing articles reflecting current issues of general public interest, has initiated this first Sunday of October a collaboration with […]PREVIOUS WORK BEGINS BY PROGRAMMING OF EXECUTION UNIT UE-10
According to the timetable of work marked, the recognition of the same will be carried out in the near future by the technical team of AUG-ARQUITECTOS, […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORTELL DE MORELLA APPROVES TEMPORARILY THE MASTER PLAN
The City Council of Portell de Morella (Castellón), approved the revised Preliminary Version of the Master Plan and the Environmental Report, prepared by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. With […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF PAVÍAS
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, in their session of July 19, 2013, approved the Master Plan of Pavías (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. This plan, […]PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF PEPRI OF HISTORICAL CENTER TORRENT
As part of the actions of public presentation of the Special Plan of Protection and Internal Reform of the Historic Center of Torrent (Valencia, Spain), with […]CITY COUNCIL OF NAVAJAS DIRECTS TO AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP WORK DEVELOPMENT OF EXECUTION UNIT UE-10
In order to provide a solution to the problems generated in the direct management programming, the Execution Unit UE-10, Subsidiaries Rules of Navajas (Castellón), the Council […]PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF SALZADELLA’S MASTER PLAN
A meeting with a numerous public attendance to a meeting at the House of Culture of La Salzadella (Castellón) was held by the mayor and the […]PRESENTATION OF PROGRESS OF THE SECOND PHASE OF THE CATALOGUE OF PROTECTED GOODS AND SPACES OF TORRENT
After completion of the public exhibition of the version of the Special Plan for Protection and Internal Reform of the Historic Center of Torrent (Valencia) and […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF NAVAJAS APPROVES TEMPORARILY THE MASTER PLAN
The City Council of Navajas (Castellón), approved the revised Preliminary Version of the Master Plan and the Environmental Report, prepared by AUG- ARQUITECTOS, SLP . With […]TERRITORIAL PLANNING COMMISSION OF CASTELLÓN APPROVES THE MASTER PLAN OF FORCALL
The Territorial Planning Commission of Castellón, in their session of June 5, 2013, approved the Master Plan of Forcall (Castellón) written by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. This Plan […]RESTORATION WORK ENDS OF THE ROCA HOUSE
The restoration of the Roca house been completed, with the completion of the interior of the house. The operation, led by the AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP architect and […]THE CITY COUNCIL OF TODOLELLA APPROVES TEMPORARILY THE MASTER PLAN
The City Council of Todolella (Castellón), approved the revised Preliminary Version of Master Plan and the Environmental Report, prepared by AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. With this procedure and […]