Heritage - Heritage interventions
ALPUENTE Medieval building
2022 - Alpuente (Valencia, Spain)VICENTE House
2019 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)CARCELLER House
2014 - Rubielos de Mora (Teruel, Spain)ROCA House
2010 - Les Useres (Castellón, Spain)ARRIBA Watermill
2009 - Fuentes de Ayódar (Castellón, Spain)DAMARET House
2008 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)MAURICIO House
2007 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)GALINDO House
2006 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)RUBIELOS House
2006 - Rubielos de Mora (Teruel, Spain)Museum of Military History of CASTELLÓN
2006 - Castellón de la Plana (Castellón, Spain)MAR DE LA CARRASCA House
2004 - Villahermosa del Río (Castellón, Spain)BULCH Farmhouse
2003 - Benassal (Castellón, Spain)SANT MATEU Old Prison
2003 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)AGUT House
2001 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)MOLINER House
2000 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)ARNAU House
2000 - Sant Mateu (Castellón, Spain)LA MOLA Old Hospital
1997 - Benassal (Castellón, Spain)SANT ROC Hermitage
1996 - Benassal (Castellón, Spain)