After several decades of professional practice, AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP is a leading company in the protection of heritage, which explains why it is the author of a proposal for the accumulated protection of almost 6000 elements. Achieving this milestone, which represents a figure that is truly difficult to surpass, is the result of a work program in which the protection of heritage, understood in a broad sense, is one of the pillars and distinctive elements of this company. From the first Catalogs of Protected Assets and Spaces that we wrote in the nineties of the last century to the latest proposals, the legislative framework and social awareness have changed a lot, but not so much the position of the team of professionals at AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. For us, the idea that heritage begins with a simple wooden carpentry or a clay tile and ends in the landscape is something that we have been defending for decades, long before the legal framework articulated measures consistent with that vision.
Without taking into account the proposals that we will soon present to protect the heritage of Alcalá del Júcar, in Albacete, or Enguera and Cofrentes in Valencia (municipalities whose catalogues we are currently drafting), the elements that have been included in the corresponding Protection Catalogues currently amount to 5979, of which 2783 are part of definitively approved catalogues. The distribution by type of elements of the total number of proposals submitted is as follows:
Reaching this number of elements represents an enormous effort on the part of all the actors who have participated in the elaboration of the proposals and also implies the complicity of the town councils that have trusted AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP. Each protected element has been visited, valued and weighed in relation to a whole, described, photographed, drawn, etc. Many of them have had to be defended before the residents of the different municipalities ordered, explaining the need to preserve the heritage, without preventing its normal use. At AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP we believe that the defence and protection of heritage, compatible with a sustainable and reasonable use of it, portrays a cultured and intelligent society and makes our territory something worth defending.