For years, the area ordered by the Special Plan for Endowment Land has been the great strategic and social commitment of the Municipality of Todolella (Castellón). Given the lack of land adjacent to the urban area with sufficient width to house all the facilities that the city council required, already before the drafting of the PGOU it was decided to promote joint action in nearby lands, with easy access and little landscape impact from the main dynamic and static observation points.
The PGOU enshrined this municipal determination and delimited an area to which it also transferred the necessary reserve of land in terms of school provision, as well as a large social equipment with which to cover local needs and part of the regional needs in terms of service to the elderly, who cannot be cared for in the Morella and Forcall residences, due to the excess demand due to the aging of the population. Currently, this population must move to residences in Teruel or other regions, causing an undesirable uprooting in the last stage of the life of the elderly.
The PGOU delimited an area that had to be ordered through a Special Endowment Land Plan. In its development, it has been found that the initial perimeter is insufficient for the current needs of the residence model to be implemented. The combination of sports, educational and social uses that are ordered in this plan requires greater amplitude, so that the non-built areas that will surround the different buildings allow meeting the objectives set for recreation, social inclusion and security.
Thus, the objectives pursued by this plan are summarized as follows:
- Creation of suitable conditions to, through the use of public resources, favor actions that are fully compatible with the postulates of the European Network for Rural Development (REDR), the Plan of Measures against the Demographic Challenge of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge , the AVANT 20-30 strategy – Valencian Anti-Depopulation Strategic Plan and the Valencian Infrastructure and Social Services Plan 2021-2015 “CONVIVINT”.
- Creation of a space for public-private cooperation, capable of creating synergies between both sectors aimed at the same goal and achieving a similar action to that achieved with “El Pitalaero”, in the event that it was chosen to join the initiative private in the execution of part of the equipment.
- Compliance with the determinations of the PGOU in relation to the orderly scope.
- Expansion of the ordered area, in order to include the entire morphological unit that constitutes the cultivated area and delimited by a rural road (contiguous, on the north side), in order to allocate that space to a building-free zone, in which a minimal intervention of landscaping and urbanization, will allow a large green area to be incorporated into the orderly area that can be climbed to enjoy the views, as it is a small promontory with easy access.
- Maintenance and improvement of the accessibility conditions of the land intended for possible school provision.
- Consolidation of the pedestrian and cyclist communication with the urban center of Todolella through Eras del Castillo Street, whose extension leads directly to the endowment area.
- Implementation of a perimeter route, open to the field and where the Peirón de Santa Catalina will be one of the references of a friendly route, designed for people of all ages and with a minimum degree of difficulty.
- Enhancement of actions integrated into the landscape, through materials and solutions that, without renouncing a contemporary architectural language, allow the reinforcement of local identity and contribute to preserving the characteristic elements of the anthropization of the landscape, which is very successful in the region.
- Use of the landscape for social and therapeutic purposes, making the views that will be dominated from the future residence of the elderly a resource at the service of the quality of life of the users of these facilities.
- Execution of facilities of a marked social nature and highly demanded by citizens, such as a residence for the elderly and a new school center, in an unbeatable environment that is to be preserved.
- Implementation of a type of equipment (residence and school center), which arouses great interest and capacity for female labor insertion, thus favoring the integration of women into the work environment, in rural areas.
- Optimization of public resources invested in the last ten years in the area, through a set of actions aimed at people of all ages, physical condition and condition, favoring the inclusion of complementary social and generational segments, who can coexist and support each other, in the same space.
- Boosting the economy, by offering a package of highly relevant jobs in a rural setting, taking into account the movement generated by a social facility such as a residence, provided for in this Special Endowment Plan, with a great driving capacity of stable population.
- Implementation of the necessary conditions for the execution of one of the facilities most demanded by young families with children in rural areas, such as a new school center, in order to prevent the population from leaving the town and moving to towns that They offer those kinds of services.
Location: Todolella (Castellón, España); Customer: City Council of Todolella; Surface planned in detail: 32,075 m²; Main use: Endowment; Processing status: Final approval.