The “Association Patrimonial Colegiata Mora de Rubielos” (Teruel) named the architect Víctor García Gil “honorary member”, in attention to the merits that he gathered, according to his board of directors and to his disinterested collaboration with the activities carried out by said association . Among these activities, those aimed at recovering the heritage of what was this famous collegiate church stand out, whose heritage was plundered and destroyed -for the most part- at the beginning of the Civil War. Precisely, the recovery and donation to the Patrimonial Association of the only files that are preserved from the archive of the Collegiate Church (documents from the 18th and 19th centuries) by the aforementioned architect, along with his willingness to collaborate with the members of the Association, were decisive for the distinction as honorary member. The documents delivered to the Patrimonial Association and the Parish of Santa María de Mora de Rubielos were donated in a letter dated September 6, 2019 and had been accidentally found by Víctor García Gil, along with other destroyed material from the old collegiate church.

Since its constitution, Víctor García Gil has been participating in the activities of the Association, a transversal entity that brings together neighbors and people linked to the beautiful town of Mora de Rubielos and who share an interest in recovering the heritage. In his speech of appreciation, the new honorary member highlighted the fact that these activities are promoted by a heterogeneous group of people from civil society, without support or economic dependence on the Administration, in a small rural town and with the In order to safeguard religious heritage, rescuing it from oblivion that a part of society intends to impose.