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Report about Territorial Forest Action Plan for the Valencian Community


During the period of public exposure and submission to allegations of the preliminary version of the Community Forestry Territorial Action Plan (PATFOR-CV), the Chamber of Commerce of Castellón commissioned AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP to study and prepare the allegation that the Chamber would present to the same, in case AUG-ARQUITECTOS, SLP so advised. The study carried out by this company allowed the presentation, in May 2012, of an allegation, in which, among other things, the following was proposed:

Necessarily resolve the problem arising from the overlaps between the photointerpretation carried out to delimit the coverage of “forest land” and the “urban regime of urban and developable land”. This circumstance occurs as a result of the Forest Inventory has been carried out from the photointerpretation of ortho digital images without taking into account the current planning, and its own definition has a marked independent temporal nature that requires its periodic review. Situation that we can qualify without any doubt as incompatible with the very definition of “forest land” for urban purposes.

Resolve, for urban planning purposes, the problems caused by the ambiguous interpretation that the different administrative levels of the autonomous administration have been carrying out when evacuating the binding reports on environmental matters regarding the forest masses affected by the territorial and urban planning instruments depending on the departmental body to which they are attached.

Resolve, for urban planning purposes, the problems that the observance of the urban regime established in Art. 37 creates. – Safety distances at the urban-forest interface, for urban land and urban land for municipalities whose urban areas are located in steep terrain linked to narrow river valleys characteristic of the municipalities of the Valencian Rural System and, to a lesser extent, in the Intermediate Strip established in the ETCV.

Improve the cartographic information presented, since it is not “accessible, usable, complete, exact, updated, safe, clear, complete, correct and truthful, of simple consultation, organization and hierarchical, homogeneous and interoperable structuring”, and therefore, is delegitimized as long as the deficit pointed out is not rectified, to establish the binding character with the instruments of territorial organization and urban planning affected by its determinations. It is evident that the geomorphological, physiographic, environmental, and cartographic characterization at a scale of 1: 300,000 of the forest land ordered in the PATFOR-CV is insufficient and does not comply with the determinations of Law 14/2010, of July 05, on the Infrastructures and Geographical Information Services in Spain (BOE nº 163, of 06.07.2010), to consolidate the implementation of the “Unique Territorial Data” in the cartographic and urban characterization of the Green Infrastructure in municipal planning (scale 1: 1,000) , established in the ETCV.

Commit the financial resources set in the Action Programs; without these, it is simply not feasible to put their determinations into practice, and the truth is that the economic prospects that the Spanish economy in general, and the Valencian economy in particular, is going through do not allow us to be optimistic in this regard. In this sense, it is opportune to strengthen and develop regulations in Article 91.- Tax Benefits and Article 92.- Non-profit benefits or entities, as an instrument for raising extraordinary additional resources not foreseen in the economic programming of PATFOR-CV , which supply the foreseeable budget cuts that may jeopardize the viability of the Plan.

Specify and characterize, according to what is established in the ETCV (Objectives 11, 12 and 25, among others), the planning and management instruments that generate the economic and financial resources necessary, from the territorial cohesion, to enable the enhancement of the landscaping resources of the Green Infrastructure of the Territory, establishing as a priority in the destination of the resources generated, the financial support in favor of the municipalities of the Valencian Rural System, in order to supply the socioeconomic deficits and imbalances that they suffer.

Integrate the “Valencian Forest Monitoring System” (Art. 82 to 86), in the assessment and consultation tools enabled in the Citizen Participation process, the determinations established in the INSPIRE Directive.


Prometer: Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Castellón